Archive for CIAC

Art in a car showroom? ‘Ritornando’, a pop-up exhibition by Albert Baronian in Ghent

Posted in art, contemporary art, painting, sculpture with tags on December 16, 2014 by Utopia Parkway

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Art in a car showroom? Why not. Ritornando (through December 21) is a peculiar pop-up exhibition set up by Albert Baronian (Brussels) in Ghent, at CIAC, a well-known (modernist) car repair shop from 1964 that will soon be transformed into an apartment complex. It features work by 17 artists from Belgium (Thomas Bogaert, Philippe Vandenberg, Helmut Stallaerts) and abroad (Tony Oursler, Gilbert & George). They all have a link with the city of Ghent, either because they live there, had an exhibition there, or because their work is featured in the S.M.A.K. collection. Ritornando? An Italian word referring to a return to a place, but also to wandering around places where you’ve been before, with a touch of nostalgia. Albert Baronian was invited to set up an exhibition in Ghent in 1977, he had a gallery in the city with Yvon Lambert, and S.M.A.K. was the first ever museum to buy works from the gallerist. (CIAC, Einde Were 1, Gent; Wed-Sun, 11 am-6 pm, free entrance)